Almost Mystical Benefits of Fasting

Almost Mystical Fasting Benefits

Fasting has piqued the interest of many, with its’ mysticalness.

I’m not sure what is so mystical about being hungry. After all, hungry nowadays, has morphed into this thing called hangry (hungery+angry).

Ugh, why would anyone want to go out to make themselves hungry/hangry intentionally?


Allow me, if only for a second, to read your mind.

Ummmm, I see, it is a bit foggy, wait it is becoming clearer –

Ahhhh, yes, I see it now. There are two reasons why you want to fast longer.

  • Lose Weight Faster & Fat Loss

Pretty amazing bar trick. I was just going with the stats on our national obsession, odds were on my side.

And as great as supporting weight & fat loss is, those are only side benefits.

Here are the benefits and what your body is doing

  • Better Sleep (When started at least 4 hours before bedtime)
  • Decrease Inflammation (Reduce stress on your body so that it can heal)
  • Increase Metabolism (Burn more calories)
  • Reduce Insulin Resistance (Makes sugar sweeter, so you eat less sugary foods)
  • Better Organ Health (What a sexy pancreas, kidney, & gallbladder you have)

Studies have shown that individually all of these items help you to lose weight. When you combine them, you get healthier, and you happen to lose weight/fat.

Even More Benefits of Fasting

Not so Mystical
See, it isn’t so mystical. It is closer to Biology 101.

Let’s set you up to Become a Master Faster. (Even though you are currently only extending your fast by 1 hour each week.)

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