Part One – Health Benefits Change As You Continue Your Fast (0-24 Hours)

The Hour Blocks is What Your Body is Going Through

0-8 Hours – Digestion Mode

  • Breaking down food, storing excess
  • It is using carbohydrates & stored carbohydrate to provide energy

The best visual is a refrigerator. Some of the nutrients put into the refrigerator for quick access later and other food into a freezer. A bit harder to access immediately. 

8-12 Hours – Converting Mode

  • The body starts to deplete carbohydrate stores and is slowly switching to burning fat stores for energy
  • The refrigerator is no longer full, and now your body starts to use “defrost” food in the freezer

12-18 Hours – Switching Mode

Switching to Fat Buring Mode (Ketosis)

  • The body is using more stored fat as energy
  • Fat as fuel produces an overall lower inflammation response in the body

18-24 Hours – Fat Burn Mode

Full-on Fat as Fuel Mode

  • The body is using fat as fuel
  • Body signals it is time to repair (regenerate) / cleanout (discard/reuse) mode

Before you start a prolonged fast (any fast longer than you are doing now), it is best to run it past your physician first.  

(Especially for those with low BMI, pregnant, breastfeeding, under 18 years old, have diabetes, high uric acid, organ disease, or taking prescription meds)

Better safe than sorry.

images courtesy of

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