The Fastest Way to Start Fasting Today
The fastest way to start is to start with the simplest method, which is to Extend your Fast.
Previously, we laid the groundwork that you are already fasting when you sleep. Now you are ready to graduate and go to the next level. You are mentally prepared to Extend your Fast.

Huh, Extend?
Our challenge for you is to extend your sleeping fast, slowly, and consistently.
Why Slowly?
Your body takes time to adjust. You wouldn’t go out and just run a marathon tomorrow if you haven’t prepared for it. Likewise, it is best to train your body to adjust slowly.

How Slow?
For the next seven days, extend by a total of one (1) hour either before you go to sleep or after you wake up.
When to start your fast?
The least disruptive is to add that additional hour of not eating right before bed.
There are many reasons to chose before bed. Mostly it is more convenient, as your morning routine is set, and not eating in the morning disrupts it WAY more than your evening routine. The second is to have as much of the digestion process done before you go to sleep.
The Challenge
Today and for the next seven days, extend your fast by only one hour. If you go to bed at 10:30 pm, you agree to stop eating by 9:30 pm for the next seven days.
And like a magician who waves their wand, and says whalla. You have started to fast the fastest (& safest) way possible.
In our next article, we will review the Fasting Race.
(If you have a medical condition, be sure to check with your health care provider before starting to fast.)