The Fasting Race

Fasting is Not a Race, It is a Lifestyle

When you start fasting, all of a sudden, there is this urge to go as long as you can as quickly you can. It seems as if it becomes a race.

STOP, a Friendly Reminder
Fasting is not a Fad. It is a way of living.
This is a lifestyle, be patient while you change.

Avoid Feeling Bad
If you choose to make this a race, your body will tell you it doesn’t like the fast pace of your fasting. Things like headaches, hunger, brain fog, low energy, heartburn, and food cravings are signs you are going too fast.

Time to Change
Mentally you are ready to get going. And your body needs time to adjust. Start slow and get to the longer fasts slowly.

Only One Hour
Ideally, extend your fast weekly by an additional hour. Let’s say you go to sleep at 10:30 pm. Week ONE of fasting you stop eating by 9:30 pm.

Add One Hour to Your Fasting

Commit starting today, to EXTENDING your FASTING by ONE hour today. And also, commit to this 8-9 hour non-eating window for the next SEVEN days. (In the non-eating window, you can only drink water. Seriously, no other beverages, nor food.)

Next, we delve deeper into the almost mystical benefits of fasting.

(If you have a medical condition, be sure to check with your health care provider before starting to fast.)

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