Triage Theory


TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read)–  The Triage Theory is that the body prioritizes the use of scarce micronutrients to support short-term survival over long-term health.  The take away goal is to consume enough micronutrients daily (through a multivitamin) to delay aging and ward off diseases like cancer along with complications of aging.


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Long Version –

Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s focus is on aging, cancer, and nutrition.  Specifically, how nutrition affects aging and cancer. One of her mentors is Dr. Bruce Ames.  He is one of the most commonly cited scientists, with 550 scientific research studies that focus on aging, diseases of aging, and cancer.

One of Dr. Ames’ most well-known research studies is Triage Theory.  Triage Theory postulates that the body prioritizes the use of scarce micronutrients by putting the focus of short-term survival in front of long-term health.


Dr. Ames formulated the theory way before clinical studies proved it.  To him, it simply made sense.  For example; if you’re short of iron, you take it out of the liver before you take it out of the heart. Because if you take it out of the heart, you’re dead. The downside is, doing this causes long-term DNA damage, which may not show up as cancer for 20 years.

To prove his theory, he chose to study Vitamin K, since it was a well documented, widespread deficiency. Using the Standard American Diet (SAD) since the SAD diet is known to be Vitamin K deficient, Dr. Ames began his studies.

He found Vitamin K is used for survival in metabolic functions in the liver. Vitamin K is used primarily by proteins in the liver to support coagulation. Vitamin K also helps with skeletal, immune, and arterial system health.

Specifically, he found where there was not enough Vitamin K, then those proteins that required Vitamin K to function only performed the most important function – coagulation – and allowed the additional systems to flounder, such as:

  1. Bone building => causes osteoporosis (weak bones)
  2. Cancer prevention
  3. Atherosclerosis (arteries harden and narrow due to fatty deposit build-up=>causes heart attacks, strokes, and more damage.)

The FDA Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin K is 90mcg and is based solely on ensuring blood clotting, The benefits listed above may need more than the Recommended Daily Allowance.

Vitamin K, even if above RDA doses, can help reach optimum health levels. (For reference, some scientists are recommending a conservative intake of Vitamin K1 at 240 mcg and Vitamin K2 at 45 mcg.  K1 is found mostly in leafy greens, K2 in meats and fermented foods. Many multivitamins are not sufficient.)

Basically, Dr. Ames, proved that without enough micronutrients, our body is in a nutritional starvation state and uses internal cannibalism to survive.  One essentially is robbing Peter to pay Paul.  As we know, that never works out well in the long run.

With Peter robbing Paul, the net effects to our body are that we survive – today.  However, in the long-term, diseases take hold (inflammation & oxidation) and create hideous outward symptoms.

The best path to getting enough micronutrients is to eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits (4 veggies to 1 fruit serving).  Vitamins are an insurance plan, as they may not have the same levels of bioavailability (your body’s ability to use).

What to do, then?

Act 1 Scene 1 – 

Dr. Ames has attempted a few approaches – first was the CHORI Bar.  Named after where he did research, Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI).  This was a bar using excess fruit from the local FDA combined with an array of micronutrients.  Basically, it was a fiber dense vitamin bar, and it proved to be very beneficial.  However, as of today, it has disappeared off the shelves.

Act 2 Scene 1 – 

You have choices.  Enter stage right, a daily multivitamin, it could add 10 years to your life (via telomere length).

Dr. Ames and Dr. Patrick agree that there is no one correct answer. With so many vitamins on the market, it is difficult to know which one is best.  Best case scenario, a multivitamin is a baseline and provides basic longevity insurance.

Why a multivitamin? 

Act 2 Scene 2 – 

With all the respect of these two scientists, the search started here.

Dr. Ames has an interest in a company called Juvenon.  They have a multitude of products, with Cellular Health being the signature product.  They also have an inexpensive multivitamin as well as an interesting new product for pain relief, Reprieve. Equally as intriguing, they offer a metabolic enhancer (think energy booster, aka, gee, I wish I had 10% of that kid’s energy).

Compare Juvenon Essential MultiVitamin to Pure Encapsulations O.N.E.



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Essential Multi Vitamin Supplement


** RDA% Below **


Vitamin a - 100% 

VITAMIN C - 417% 

VITAMIN D3 - 100%  

VITAMIN E  - 667% 

VITAMIN K1 - 156% 

VITAMIN B1 - 200% 

VITAMIN B2 - 200% 

VITAMIN B3 - 100% 

VITAMIN B5 - 100% 

VITAMIN B6 - 200% 

VITAMIN B12 - 0% 

Folate - 0%

Botin - 100%

Iodine- 100%

Zinc - 147%

Selenium - 143%

Manganese - 100%

Chromuim - 100%

Molybdenum - 33%

Copper - 100%

Boron - 150mg


Bitartrate - 0 mg

Inositol - 0 Mg

CQ10 - 0 MG

Alpha Lipoic Acid - 0 MG

Lutein - 0 MG

Zeaxanthin 0 MCG

Lycopene - 0 MCG

Vanadium - 10MCG

Nickel - 5 MCG

Silica - 17 MG

CAlcium - 6%

Chloride - 2%

Potassium - 2%


60 Tablets

O.N.E.™ Multivitamin

Pure Encapsulations

** RDA% Below **


VITAMIN A - 75%  

VITAMIN - 300%

VITAMIN D3 - 500%

VITAMIN E - 100%

Vitamin K1 - 0% 

VITAMIN B1 - 200%

VITAMIN B2 - 176% 

VITAMIN B3 - 100% 

VITAMIN B5 - 100%

VITAMIN B6 - 200%

VITAMIN B12  - 8,333% 

Folate - 100%

Botin - 100%

Iodine - 100%

Zinc  - 167%

Selenium - 100%

Manganese - 100%

Chromuim - 100%

Molybdenum - 100%

Copper - 0%

Boron - 1mg


Bitartrate - 25mg

Inositol - 25 Mg

CQ10 - 50 mg

Alpha Lipoic Acid - 50 MG

Lutein - 3mg

Zeaxanthin - 500 mcg

Lycopene - 500 MCG

Vanadium - 0 MCG

Nickel 0 MCG

Silica - 0 MG

CAlcium - 0%

Chloride - 0%

Potassium - 0%


60 CApsules

WordPress Pricing Table


Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s recommendation for Multivitamin is Pure Encapsulations O.N.E.

Yes, O.N.E. is almost twice as expensive as Essential from Juvenon.  Dr. Patrick prefers O.N.E. for the added benefits of some of the micronutrients

  • Boron – Accelerate healing, increased Vitamin D usability, and other benefits
  • Lutein & Zeaxanthin – Associated with eye health, also help with memory recall

Our Preference

Think of a multivitamin as your basic longevity insurance policy.  It is broad range and useful for ensuring you get the micronutrients your body needs to not only survive, but thrive.

So start taking one every day. That is the first step.

Generally, I’m willing to pay more for those that will give me a higher level of bioavailability. (Meaning your body will actually use the micronutrients.)

If budget is a concern, then the lower cost Juvenon maybe a better choice over O.N.E.


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Disclaimers, Like a galore of ’em
We are not doctors nor certified nutritionists. We do our research and find what works best for us. Also, the links are to Amazon and we might make a penny or few if you click n buy, so I guess you can say we have a vested interest…really we just have a huge interest in your health!


Products Mentioned

Juvenon Essential Multivitamin

Pure Encapsulation O.N.E.

Juvenon Youthful Metabolism

Juvenon Cellular Health


Pure O.N.E.

Published: 10/2017

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