Hang with us as we start
Consequence = Result of an Action
When we want to develop a new habit, we DO something (ACTION) to get the RESULT.
Let’s explore this concept of CONSEQUENCE to “hack” your brain to produce better RESULTS.
Stay with me for this brief, spectacular roller coaster of words…
DO => RESULT (1st) Intended
&RESULT (1st) => MORE RESULTS (2nd)
&MORE RESULTS (2nd) ==>> EVEN MORE RESULTS (3rd) Unintended
One could say that the thing you DO creates a wave of RESULTS, many that may have never
Most of the time, we rarely consider all the results. (I mean who has time?) Simply, we don’t associate the DO with all their effects.
Ok, bring it back in –Two examples.
(1st) You invest time & get pain.
Clearly an UNdesirable outcome.
Why on God’s green earth do you work out?
(2nd) Get stronger muscles & the “blood” flowing
Which can lead to
(3rd) better health & do more in
Which can lead to
(4th) Avoiding disease, living longer, & experiencing
Which can lead to
(5th) Spending a beautiful day in the park romping around & flying a kite with your grand-grand kids
Which begs the question…
Does **one** workout lead to the (5th) RESULT
Probably not
Now let’s take a look at a different aspect of health.
Eating sweets, so yummy & delicious
Satisfy that craving & get that “good/happy” feeling (YEA!)
Clearly, a desirable outcome.
Why on God’s green earth would you not eat sweets all day, every day?
(2nd) As the body processes sugar, it creates an environment of chronic low-grade inflammation
(3rd) Weight gain & feeling
Which can lead to
(4th) Increased likelihood of heart disease, blood sugar problems, cancer, &
Which can lead to
(5th) A general feeling of ill & possibly a string of hospital stays dealing with complications of disease
One cookie will do all that
Not likely.
However, a lifetime of added sugar can (intended & unintended (read food labels, most have a form of sugar in the top five ingredients (seriously!)))
We will leave you with
This is one we ask our clients to answer to get RESULTS.
Answering this one
Most ask
NOPE, that won’t get you there. Though, it can show methods. (This is what people pay us
Answer this…to get RESULTS.
(Why do you do?)