You are Your Friends and They are Your Future

Use this simple method to change your life significantly right now and for years into the future.


Remember, Momma always warned, “watch the company you keep“?

Take it one step further, as motivational speaker Jim Rohn concluded, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.” 

In relationships, we are greatly influenced — whether we like it or not — by those closest to us.

Vocally and silently, they reinforce the decisions we make. Our friends, affect how we think and therefore act with each act having an outcome.


In studies, it turns out that friends are much more influential than we ever thought.

One quick, three-decade study (Framingham Heart Study) drives the point home.

Weight Gain

 “According to their results, if a friend of yours becomes obese, you are 45 percent more likely than chance to gain weight over the next two to four years.


They found that if your friend smokes, you are 61 percent more likely to be a smoker yourself


While the researchers looked for a variety of explanations, the most likely one appears to be norms. If your friend is obese…that changes your perception of what is acceptable body size and your behavior changes accordingly.

Friends reenforce.  Pick your friends wisely, your friends really are your future.

Gut-check Time 

  • List the top 5 people you spend time (friends or not)
  • Next, generally, does that person challenge you and make you better?
  • Or do they reinforce things that are not in your best interest?
  • Finally, for each person, do you want to be more like them?

Do Life Better. Fit

#fitnesschallenge #fit #fitness #reformedfitness #holidaychallenge #dolifebetterfit 


You’re The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With

You’re NOT The Average Of The Five People You Surround Yourself With

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