Body Fit Weekly Routine

Your Ideal Weekly Routine:

  1. Weigh in
    1. Trainer Weigh In OR
    2. Picture of yourself (feet) on Scale with “Word of the Day” handwritten next to scale’s measurement
      1. Email images to the same day.
  2. Update “Current Weight” in the App on the Daily Plan Tab
  3. Go to Grocery List and Create Shopping List Based on Total Weekly Points – You select what you plan to eat
  4. Print it out and then Grocery Shop
  5. Bring it on home and finish up by creating your Meal Prep Containers

Note on Weekly Routine

  • When you need to weigh in the app will notify you.  Also, you will need a word or phrase of the day.  This can be found in two places, at the top of your Tracker or on the Do Life Better tab.
  • The word of the day needs to be clearly legible in the weigh-in picture.  The word of the day will go away on the days you don’t need to weigh in.
  • Update your weight in two places – on the Daily Plan and in the Tracker
  • On weeks 1, 4, & 8 (Day 56) you will also need to do measurements
  • Grocery list has different versions.  Select the number that is appropriate.  This also populates the suggested recipe section with related recipes.
  • Look to make your container (meal prep) as soon as possible after grocery shopping.
  • Full is to the top of the container, not a smidge above
  • Colored meal prep containers are optional, you can also use measuring cups.