Cue You & Make Habits Automagical
Previous Post – 5-4-3-2-1
Is it time to give your habit super powers?
You might recall for the the new year we challenged you to develop a new habit. (As this is a more likely to be a successful long term change.)
Power up with Triggers – Mastering this step could revolutionize habits for you.But first a first a 15 second tutorial:
A habit has THREE parts
Cue/Trigger => Response/Habit => Reward/Result
Making and following the trigger, can “automatically” launch your habit. Let’s look at two real life examples:
#1 – Mediation Habit. Happens when I have a dedicated “spot.” This area is only used for meditation and has everything ready. My trigger is sitting in this one spot. Sit and boom, my habit of meditation starts.
#2 – Lifting Habit. Physically getting to the gym, I can make happen. Rarely though, do I “feel” like lifting. My trigger has become my music. I listen to the same couple of playlists every time I lift. And only listen to them when I am preparing or lifting. When that music starts, suddenly & magically I “feel” like lifting, so I lift.
Our challenge to you = find “the” trigger to your habit. Don’t over think this, just create a trigger that makes sense to you.
I promise you, when you use “that” trigger for your habit and use it consistently, over and over…
***It will Automagically Launch your Habit.***
5-4-3-2-1 Go! & Do. Life. Better.